Thursday, 2 June 2011

I ♥ my computer.

Dear Kate,

Why did you write a song in 1989 about a person becoming obsessed with a computer? Did you think that 22 years later people would be so attached to their PC's, Macs, iPhones/Pads/Plops, Blackberries that this song would still be relevant... in fact so relevant that you could re-release it as a single. Its not like we can't tear ourselves away from facebook, twitter, amazing music blogs like Pop Blimp for example.

Now I've gotten that off my chest I'm going to find love, and deeper understanding on that new dating website that Rigil was telling me about. Hello...

Included here is 'The Red Shoes' from her new album 'The Director's Cut' as well as the sublime 2011 version of 'Deeper Understanding'.

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