Monday, 9 January 2012

The World Should Love - Erik Hassle

For all you Pop Fans out there that have never come across Erik Hassle, Pop Blimp presents four massive reason why you should LOVE him. 

Number 4 - Be Mine (Robyn Cover) - Joined by the darling Ellie for a Robyn cover, acoustic and raw.  Says it all really!

Be Mine (feat. Ellie Goulding) by erikhassle

Number 3 - Stay Away - Chilled out catchy track with great lyrics.

Stay Away by erikhassle

Number 2 - Hurtful - Released back in 2008, it mainly impacted in Sweden and Denmark but not really the UK, which is rather mental as is a freaking amazing pop track.

Erik Hassle - Hurtful by quikynguyen

Number 1 - Don't bring Flowers - Pop Blimp's favourite and our recommendation for electro goodness. This has it all, cool guitar, excellent electro effects, basically a great pop track.

Don't Bring Flowers by erikhassle

So there you GO, four GREAT reasons why you should LOVE Erik Hassle, and we do need a few more male pop artist getting a bit more of the action.  I mean, we cant have the Ladies doing all the work!!

He is a regular listen at Blimp HQ you should make him one too.  Find out more about Hassle HERE


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